What's Photography? Vol.1 - The Quintessential
What’s the quintessential of a photograph?
I found myself reading a quote in the autobiography of Grazia Neri, who founded one of the most important photo agency in Italy and in the World, extremely respected trough the industry, Grazia launched many young talents and collaborated along the most important photographers of these days, as such as Paolo Pellegrin and James Nachtwey.
Una bella foto risveglia lo spirito e i sensi. Crea meraviglia, produce sentimenti, suoni, profumi, rabbia o piacere. Una mistura magica di forma, contenuto, contesto ed emozioni, che sono determinate dalla storia personale dell’osservatore e dalla sua eredità culturale.
A beautiful photograph awakes the spirit and the senses. Creates marvel, produces emotions, sounds, scents, anger or pleasure. A magical mixture of form, meanings, context and emotions, which are determined by the personal history and cultural heritage of the observer.
The quote is by Robert Pledge, a friend and colleague of Grazia Neri, founder of the prestigious Contact Press image.
Villa D’este. Reggio Emilia Italy, 2020.