Does Art emotion us?
I have always followed Nadav Kander’s work, he’s for me an inspirational artist for many reasons. Looking at his website, I have bumped into something very special, THE LAST DA VINCI.
This powerful video is a banal proof of how art still impresses, astonishes and inspires us all.
It was decided to honour the significance of Salvator Mundi — the greatest artistic rediscovery of the last 100 years — by turning the tables and documenting its profound effect on those looking and pointing their camera phones.
Within the beautifully lit Christie’s exhibition space in Rockefeller Center, a camera was set up beneath the Salvator Mundi to record a video portrait of those who came to spend time with it. Using the wide range of responses to the masterpiece, a single piece of film has been created that shows the divine moment of connection between this powerful, mysterious, enigmatic portrayal of Christ and those who have felt compelled to observe it.
The film is cut to four minutes and 14 seconds to reflect the fact that in his painting, Leonardo presents Christ as he is characterised in the Gospel of John 4:14: ‘And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son as the Saviour of the World.’
Director: Nadav Kander
Agency: Droga5 NY
Client: Christies
Production: Chelsea Pictures
Year: 2017
Lo avrai
camerata Kesserling
il monumento che pretendi da noi italiani
ma con che pietra si costruirà
a deciderlo tocca a noi
non con i sassi affumicati dei borghi inermi
straziati dal tuo sterminio
non con la terra dei cimiteri
dove i nostri compagni giovinetti
riposano in serenità
non con la neve inviolata delle montagne
che per due inverni ti sfidarono
non con la primavera di queste valli
che ti vide fuggire
ma soltanto con il silenzio dei torturati
più duro d'ogni macigno
soltanto con la roccia di questo patto
giurato fra uomini liberi che volontari si adunarono
per dignità non per odio
decisi a riscattare la vergogna e il terrore del mondo
su queste strade se vorrai tornare
ai nostri posti ci ritroverai
morti e vivi con lo stesso impegno
popolo serrato intorno al monumento
che si chiama ora e sempre
Piero Calamandrei
Appennino Tosco-Emiliano. Reggio Emilia 2015.
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