Torno indietro
Tempo fa, un amico mi chiese di scrivere due righe su cosa significasse Londra per me. Lo stesso amico, mi ha chiesto di riscrivere due righe sul mio ritorno in Sicilia, e quindi sul fatto di aver lasciato Londra.
I am just outside Shoreditch tube station, it’s a regular day in east London, black cabs, bikes, buses hit the road under the usual grey sky. I am going to apply for my visa, I pass trough the lively streets of the east-end, bars are crowded, my first step to a further EAST.
A walk on the edge between two beautiful Italian regions, Emilia Romagna and Tuscany, silence and nature bring us to untouched places. It’s nearly the end of the year, the mountains’s peaks are white and touch a blue sky that we very rarelly see in The Big Smoke(London).
Again walking and walking trough Arbatskaya, I arrived, I am in the heart of Moscow. The city is hard, cold, people run from one place to another with indifference, wrapped up in their heavy coats. I constantly talk with people, although very few speak my language, anyway it’s always a surprise, a new story. Living an other city, an other story.
Those winters are almost gone, I am now heading for a brighter chapter.
Viaggi in Emilia
Old country houses sit on the vast flat green fields that surround beautiful ancient cities, filled with history, culture and LIFE.
©AS 2014. All rights reserved.
Chasing a Dream. Europe
I have recently read Bilal(unlikely I couldn’t find any English version), written by Fabrizio Gatti, an Italian journalist for the weekly magazine L'espresso.
The book tells the stories of many people who every day risk their life chasing the dream of reaching Europe, no matter how. The price for they dreamed journey is expansive, nearly 2000 € (Euros), which will just pay the trip from the north coasts of Africa to the southern regions of Europe, such money will not include the money payed for the trip trough the Sahara desert and the money stole by the army and the police! Working in all sorts of conditions and fields, even selling water for they fellow dreamers that will start the long trip trough the desert, those people do literally anything that will start their journey…
It’s well known that many of them don’t reach Europe nor the northern coast of Africa, paying the most expansive price, their LIVES. Bilal also talk about the ones who finally arrive in Europe, facing the often very cloudy way to obtain a job and a life.
This is an extremely short description of the magnificent work of Fabrizio Gatti, but also another occasion to speak and remember the brave of those people.
The photos below show the boats which departing from the coasts of Tunisia and Libya, are used to cross the Sicilian channel and reach Lampedusa, also called “the door of Europe”.