Antonio Sansica Antonio Sansica

Trough a lockdown

Diario visuale dal lockdown 22.05.2020 

Questa è la periferia di Reggio Emilia, un’area a metà tra il centro storico e le colline. Vivo sull’unica strada per l’appennino tosco-emiliano. Il silenzio regna, il silenzio ci confonde, a volte interrotto dalle sirene, dalla natura che ci circonda. Qua oltre il Po, le città laboriose dell’Emilia sono immobili, come se il tempo si fosse fermato. Il lockdown ci ha imposto una nuova vita nel quotidiano di ogni casa; le giornate sono fatte di giochi, storie, e nuovi spazi per riempire i vuoti creati.

Queste fotografie vogliono raccontare raccontano il perimetro giornaliero che abito sto vivendo, un mondo a me vicino, ma che d’un tratto si ripete in maniera sequenziale. Ogni giorno è definito da intense emozioni e momenti speciali, che d’un tratto mutano in sensazioni di incertezza, affanno. Un tempo definito da poche relazioni, nuovi oggetti, distanze e misure di prevenzione. Una vita finora sconosciuta.

A breve sarà online l’intero portfolio..

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Antonio Sansica Antonio Sansica

The garden at night

I get out to see, how is the sea? Birds wakes us up in the morning. Nocturnal birds while we are sleeping. My father watering the garden, Mario the gardener, makes it an eden. Moonlight, drunk night. The green, isn’t always evergreen. Weather is hot but Emi won’t wear any hat. Im gonna sell this house, my father says, but I reply no way.

Some rhymes which want to blend within some photos that i took in my garden in my hometown, a personal macrocosm, a place where i happily get lost. Sicily August 2019.

p.s. there is an other project, related to the same subject, that i want to show you. just check my newsletter, by subscribing in the “contacts” page, and I will get back to you in the next days.

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Antonio Sansica Antonio Sansica

Between clouds

All in a sudden, you find yourself between clouds, looking at airplanes flying over you. Last summer, I had a very unusual assignment, which doesn’t happen very often. I have photographed airplanes for a new Italian Airlines. I had to find a new and contemporary way to portray flying airplanes, capturing “hero shots” and so develop new visual studies for their communications

I was in the Uk, exactly In Manchester, where thankfully the city has a large range of flights over the day.

I had strange feeling while being there, as a teenager I have been super passionate about aviation, seemed like I was going back trough time, when I always had my eyes trough the sky.

I even didn’t go to school, just to go to my closest airport and seeing flights landing or leaving.

It didn’t go always very well, once the police came, took my camera and removed the film inside.

Definitely I story to tell.

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Antonio Sansica Antonio Sansica

Within.Outside of the box #13 Images from my archive. #london #southbank #londoner #woman #light #sunset #streetphotography #streetphoto #art #photography #photo #books #alone #featureshoot #everydayuk #art #antoniosansica #archive

Within.Outside of the box #13 Images from my archive. #london #southbank #londoner #woman #light #sunset #streetphotography #streetphoto #art #photography #photo #books #alone #featureshoot #everydayuk #art #antoniosansica #archive

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Antonio Sansica Antonio Sansica

All. #Brixton. #London. #son #flakphoto #fatherhood #england #father #protection #streetphotography #featureshoot #portrait #blackman #colours #life #family #onelove #street #streetphoto #antoniosansica #photo #photography #art

All. #Brixton. #London. #son #flakphoto #fatherhood #england #father #protection #streetphotography #featureshoot #portrait #blackman #colours #life #family #onelove #street #streetphoto #antoniosansica #photo #photography #art

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Antonio Sansica Antonio Sansica

Like a glimpse, an enlightenment, a deja vu, a dream…you appear in my mornings lights and dark nights. #London Battersea Power station, old prints. #fotomobile #london #home #uk #england #powerstation #battersea #batterseapowerstation #dream …

Like a glimpse, an enlightenment, a deja vu, a dream…you appear in my mornings lights and dark nights. #London Battersea Power station, old prints. #fotomobile #london #home #uk #england #powerstation #battersea #batterseapowerstation #dream #prints #photo #photography #mypolaroids #everyday_uk #antoniosansica #dejavu #mylife #nostalgia

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